Saturday 28 December 2013


Its the Last day of our USA trip. 

Able to sleep late today as we are gathering only at 10am to depart for the Airport to catch our flight back to Sunny Island.

Was feeling kinda sad when i woke up this morning, just like how i always feel when my holidays are ending, but well, all good things come to an end, because there's an end to all great trips only then will we be looking forward to the next trip.

Upon Arrival at Los Angeles Airport, we went to check in at SQ counter and went straight to the departure halls assuming we can smoke inside the departure area. 

While inside the Departure area, after a Stringent security check, we asked around for the smoking room and was told that there is no smoking room in the airport! WTF! NO SMOKING ROOM!?!?! I almost wanted to get out of the departure hall for a smoke den come back in but it was too troublesome, so forget about it.

Waited for 2.5 hours without having a place to smoke for our boarding time.
Kind of boring as their airport is small, nothing much to shop.
Nothing to do at all except sitting down at Starbucks to have some drinks.

its always hard to say goodbye to a place where we had so much fun.

Its my first time to USA, i have never been to other parts of USA before but California left a deep impression on me. The people here are all friendly and nice, very well mannered and never in a rush.

When crossing the roads, so many times we jaywalked as there isn't any traffic lights in sight, sometimes because we are plain lazy to walk over to the traffic lights, the drivers NEVER once Honked at us when we blocked their way, they simply slow down and stop to let us finish crossing before continuing their journey. In Singapore if i do this, i will probably be honked at a thousand times or i will probably already be knocked down.

Their restaurants does not charge a standard service fee, we tipped according to how well the services rendered, ranging from 10% - Bad, 15% - Good to 18% or more - Excellent. We tipped most of the time a 15% - 18% tip as their services are all Great. The servers there never fail to have a smile on their face, they will ask you in between meals if everything is ok, they will always be there to assist you if you require any extra things, no doubt they are working for the tips, but still im happy giving it. Unlike in Singapore, even though there are nice and helpful servers, but most of the time, i have my fair bit of encounters with rude and black faced servers that makes me feel like i killed them in their previous life.

Oh, and their toilets! the most important thing for me as i tend to drink alot of water and keep having to go to their restrooms. The restrooms in California are all EXTREMELY CLEAN, with toilet seats covers for us to use and most importantly, TOILET PAPERS ARE IN ABUNDANCE! no need to be afraid of shit liao, toilet paper not enuff. lol.

Not to forget about how selfless the people i met were, they are willing to open the door for you even though you are still a distance away, a taxi driver i met at Las Vegas stop his car, wound down his window to tell us we are going the wrong way. i probably would not meet such nice people in Singapore. Not saying that Singaporeans are not nice, but we are just too Shy to be nice to strangers for fear of being mocked or scolded.

We should learn from the American culture.


This trip left me with beautiful and fond memories.

Well well, actually every single trip i went with Angry Smurf, regardless long or short always gives me happy and fond memories.

This is the end of my 19-30 Dec West USA trip. 
Shall start looking forward to my 8-14 March Hongkong trip now.. 

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